The Highlands, Potter Highlands, Highlands Park, Scottish Highlands, Upper Highlands, Lower Highlands, East Highland and West Highlands. These are all names associated with the neighborhoods the city recognizes as Highland and West Highland, which represent some of Denver’s earliest suburbs. This month we’re highlighting West Highland, the enclave between Federal and Sheridan Boulevards to the […]

Featured Neighborhoods

May 24, 2023

West Highlands – Higher than Mile High

Strolling the tree-lined streets of Denver’s Harkness Heights neighborhood on an early summer evening is to be thrown back to another century when John McDonough and Carleton Ellis imagined the neighborhood as the “Capitol Hill of the North Side.” The neighborhood, which is rimmed by Federal and Lowell Boulevards and 41st and 44th Avenues, was […]

Featured Neighborhoods

April 25, 2023

Is this heaven? No, it’s Harkness Heights

Dig Wheat Ridge’s Roots Carnations. Lots of them. The flowers are one of Wheat Ridge’s claims to fame. Once the largest producer of carnations in the world, it was known for years as “Carnation City” and even developed a cinnamon-scented variety. Though the last carnation grower closed in 2008, Wheat Ridge continues to celebrate its […]

Featured Neighborhoods

March 22, 2023


The Union Station neighborhood is right in the thick of things when it comes to Downtown Denver’s meteoric economic boom. Luxury apartment and condominium high rises surround the neighborhood’s namesake, Union Station train depot, which was renovated in time for its 100-year anniversary in 2014. This iconic landmark at 17th and Wynkoop is the glittering […]

Featured Neighborhoods

February 21, 2023

Featured Neighborhood: Union Station

The Westwood neighborhood, bounded by Federal and Sheridan boulevards on the east and west and Alameda and Mississippi avenues on the north and south, is awash with creativity, culture and kids. Morrison Road, which dissects the neighborhood, is home to the Westwood Creative District, which is gaining acclaim for its street murals as well as […]

Featured Neighborhoods

January 25, 2023

Featured Neighborhood: Westwood

There is immense investment potential for the significant appreciation of home prices in the up-and-coming North Aurora neighborhood. Bordered by I-225 on the east, Dayton Street on the west, 35th Street on the north and 6th Avenue on the south, it is one of the last areas in metropolitan Denver where you can buy a home […]

Featured Neighborhoods

December 15, 2022

Featured Neighborhood: North Aurora/Anschutz Medical Campus

North Capitol Hill just wasn’t a charming, eclectic or trendy enough name to capture the essence of the neighborhood, so several years ago its 6,000 residents started calling it Uptown. The name has stuck. Bordered by Broadway to the west, 20th Avenue to the north, Park Avenue and Downing Street to the east and Colfax […]

Featured Neighborhoods

November 21, 2022

Featured Neighborhood: Uptown

Virginia Village, a small enclave of just over 20,000 residents in southeast Denver, has a suburban feel despite its urban location. The neighborhood was built in the 1950s and features smaller ranch-style or split-level homes. gives it an overall A rating and ranks it 41st out of 75 neighborhoods in Denver. Virginia Village’s boundaries […]

Featured Neighborhoods

October 21, 2022

Featured Neighborhood: Virginia Village

Montclair and Mayfair, east of downtown Denver, are two of the city’s oldest neighborhoods. Considered “sister” neighborhoods, Montclair is designated as a City and County of Denver neighborhood, while Mayfair is not. The two communities overlap and together encompass the area north to south between East Colfax Avenue and 6th Avenue and east to west […]

Featured Neighborhoods

September 21, 2022

Featured Neighborhood: Monclair/Mayfair

Olde Town Arvada is bursting at the seams with unique shops, entertainment and delightful community events. And it’s also a great place to live. In fact, Arvada was listed as the 8th most livable mid-sized city in the country by SmartAsset in 2022. People love Old Towne because you get the same type of cool […]

Featured Neighborhoods

August 24, 2022

Featured Neighborhood: Olde Town Arvada